Indo-U.S. Virtual Networked Centers

Indo-U.S. Virtual Networked Centers provide a platform to enable Indian and American scientists from academia, laboratories and industry to carry out joint research activities by leveraging already existing infrastructure and funding available with the partners on both sides.

  • Indo-U.S. R&D Virtual Networked Centers

    Knowledge R & D Networked Centers aim to encourage joint project implementation amongst Indian and American scientists from Academia and Laboratories on focal areas of thematic and knowledge research through networking, thus paving the way to sustainable interactions and developing long-term relationships. The Networked Center may also provide opportunities for integrating research with education.

  • Public-Private Virtual Networked Centers

    Public-Private Networked Centers enable Indian and American scientists from Academia and Industry to work together to promote pre-commercial R & D activities having potential towards applied research and product development. These Centers are aimed to best capitalize on the scientific and technological innovations in translating ideas from the bench to the market place. However, no financial support will be extended/provided to Industry participants.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Qualified researchers from all disciplines of Science, Technology and Engineering working at Indian and American Academic Institutions, Laboratories and Industries. The research topic should be of high scientific quality, originality and relevance to cover areas of topical and mutual interest.
  • Minimum of two Indian and two American distinct institutional partners (2+2 Partnership Mode). In the case of Public-Private Partnerships, the U.S. and Indian principal investigators must represent academia or public funded laboratories.
  • All partners should have intellectual and financial stake in the Networked Centers activities by contributing resources required for the project execution (including associated salary costs).
  • Proof of existing funding support available towards infrastructure and equipment has to be provided as a part of the proposal.

Type and Extent of Funding by IUSSTF

  • Round-trip international airfare by economy class and shortest route to visit partnering institutions.
  • Per diem for visiting researchers with short stays upto 2 weeks and long stays for upto a 4- week period
  • Related costs to cover accommodation or local hospitality.
  • Contingencies upto INR One Lakh for dissemination of research, educational materials and reports.

Funding Duration

Funding is generally granted for a two-year period upto maximum of INR Fifty Lakh.

Proposal Evaluation

Proposals will be considered on basis of peer-reviews conducted in India and the United States.

31 August

31 January

*The call for submission of proposals is open through the year with the submission deadline of 31st August

For Program information contact:
Dr. Nishritha Bopana /Dr. Babulal Chaudhary
Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum
Fulbright House, 12, Hailey Road, New Delhi